News about a new round of DiscoverEU, an initiative of the European Union which offers young Europeans the opportunity to travel across Europe free of charge, has been recently published on

Young adults aged from 18 to 20 can apply for a travel pass to explore Europe by train. A total of 35,000 free travel passes – 167 for Slovenia – will be awarded to applicants who meet the eligibility criteria.

The projects aims to encourage young people to discover, by train, Europe’ stunning landscapes and its rich variety of cities and towns while giving them the chance to meet like-minded travellers, become more independent and confident as well as to explore their EU identity.

To apply, you need to have been born between 1 July 2004 (included) and 30 June 2005 (included) and be a legal resident, at the time of the selection decision, of an EU Member State or of a third country associated to the Erasmus+ programme (Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, and Türkiye).

DiscoverEU was first introduced in 2018 and has since awarded more than 200,000 passes to young Europeans. To win a pass, participate in the quiz about the EU and its initiatives and get as many answers right as possible. If you are selected, you can travel for a period of minimum 1 day and up to 30 days between 15 June 2023 and 30 September 2024.

If you have a disability or a health problem that makes your travel challenging, you will receive assistance and support to help you take part in the programme.

The period to submit your application is currently open and ends on 29 March 2023 at 12:00 (midday Brussels time).  You can go solo or add up to 4 friends in your group, provided they meet the eligibility criteria. When applying, make sure to include your application code.

More info and the application can be found at DiscoverEU | European Youth Portal (