In both 2019 and 2020 Slovenske železnice was recognised as Reputable Employer in logistics and rail passenger by the largest Slovenian job portal, The company also received the 'Most Reputable Employer' award, which is presented by the portal to businesses who ranked in the TOP 10 of Slovenian employers with the highest reputation scores across all industries.
Slovenske železnice is puttting employees first.
SŽ Group comprises a number of different rail companies in various bussiness areas, which include rail freight and passenger services, logistics, infrastructure maintenance, rail traffic control, rolling stock maintenance, civil engineering, research and development and other disciplines.
Slovenske železnice operates in many different areas of work, which translates to diverse job opportunities, such as:
- specific jobs where you'll be performing safety-critical roles, e.g. a train driver, traffic controller and shunter;
- production-related jobs, such as track operative, points operator, security guard and maintenance worker;
- engineering jobs in various disciplines, such as mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechatronics and IT, and
- jobs from other areas of work within SŽ Group, such as sales, HR, finances and accounting, administration and security.
Areas of work
SŽ Group's operating activities are classified into five main business areas or 'pillars':
- Logistics;
- Mobility;
- Rail infrastructure management;
- Engineering;
- Professional services (back office).

Applying for a job
To apply for a vacant position, follow the steps below.
- Submit your application form for a job of your choosing at link;
- Tell us about yourself, whether in person or in a video interview;
- If you meet the job requirements, you will need to go through our recruitment process, which comprises:
- passing a medical assessment;
- signing the employment contract;
- receiving essential information concerning the job.
When you start your job you'll receive coaching to show you the ropes, and you will have plenty of opportunities down the road to advance your career and enhance your skill set.
Why start a career with us?
Slovenske železnice Group is the largest logistics business in Slovenia with a diverse range of job opportunities throughout the country. We make sure that our 6,700-some employees are able to work in an environment which is stable, professional and in touch with modern technology.
With more than 70 different job types across the Group companies, you can choose from a wide range of attractive career opportunities regardless of your current career stage.
You will be able to progress further in your career under our career advancement scheme while systematically developing your skills. Regardless if you're just starting out or want to take a different career direction – we make sure that the environment you work in is attractive and supportive. We have first-rate professionals with leading roles in their particular discipline, and we help them develop their career even further.
Your health matters to us, so workplace health and preventive healthcare have their own specific function in the system applied in the Group. Moreover, working for us will get you a range of different benefits and time-off perks, such as corporate discounts on our partners' offers, discounted accommodation in SŽ-owned holiday facilities and various leisure activities organised or supported by the Group companies.
In addition, you will be able to spend a few days at the Group's fitness and wellness center Vitalis, where you can take part in health prevention programmes free of charge, along with a number of other activities to help with your wellbeing.
SŽ Group also covers part of your insurance premium under the voluntary health insurance scheme.
Employees by company

Data to create the image (source: LP 2020)

The ratio of men to women at Slovenske železnice Group is 82% to 18%, respectively.
The companies where women account for a majority of the workforce include Slovenske železnice, Prometni institut Ljubljana and SŽ-Železniška tiskarna.
A total of 32.9% women hold a high level position in the Group (the percentage is even higher at Slovenske železnice, where 44.4% of all females occupy managerial and leadership positions), which is an important step in the Group’s efforts to foster gender parity, especially considering the specifics of the Group’s business areas and the percentage of the female workforce in general.
Value added per employee | EUR | 49,322 |