Infrastruktura, d. o. o., is authorised to manage rail infrastructure while the train operating companies in the Group hold a safety certificate required to run trains on Slovenian network.

Quality Management System

The Quality Management System (QMS) applied in the Group was introduced in 1997. The system allows us to maintain appropriate quality standards in all business areas through regular investment in better products, processes and services while applying best practice and quality-related regulations at Group level.

Your satisfaction is important to us. As part of the QMS, our top management and employees are required to take into account your requirements and expectations within the applicable statutory framework and good practice guidelines.

Quality Policy

Our quality policy lays down how our work should be done in order to deliver low-emission, safe and reliable transport services which contribute to a better quality of life and facilitate growth in other industries in the country. In turn, this translates to our business success and growth, which serve as building blocks for employee development and satisfaction on the side of the company’s owners and other relevant stakeholders. For this reason, we are committed to meeting your requirements and expectations and continuously improving our Quality Management System.

Management systems

Overall, we are certified to total of 23 different management systems. As part of the Safety Management System, the Infrastructure Manager SŽ – Infrastruktura, d. o. o., is authorised to manage rail infrastructure while the train operating companies in the Group hold a safety certificate required to run trains on Slovenian network.

List of management systems

ISO 9001

Quality Management System

ISO 14001

Environmental Management System

ISO 50001

Energy Management System

EU 445/2011

ECM for Freight Wagons

EU 798/2016

Safety Management System

SŽ – Tovorni promet, d. o. o.
Fersped, d. o. o.
SŽ – Potniški promet, d. o. o.
SŽ – VIT, d. o. o.
SŽ – Infrastruktura, d. o. o.
Železniško gradbeno podjetje, d. d.
SŽ – ŽIP, d. o. o.
Prometni institut, d. o. o.
Slovenske železnice, d. o. o.

Assessment of ISO 9001

Implementation of the QMS is monitored by the certification authority and other monitoring and assessment bodies. The system is audited through internal and external reassessments and through reassessments conducted by our suppliers.

Business process audit

We assess in several stages how business processes and services are managed to ensure compliance with the statutory and regulatory requirements and relevant standards and procedures.

External audits of the Group’s compliance with the regulatory and other requirements are conducted by inspection bodies and independent auditors and assessors. Internal audits, on the other hand, are effected in several different ways by in-house inspectors, auditors, assessors and other authorised parties.

Internal audits serve to assess service quality, document control, and compliance of processes with the regulatory requirements and internal regulations. Each process is monitored and accessed by process managers against a set of performance indicators and company objectives, with measures adopted as and when appropriate.