Website disclaimer

This website was designed to provide basic information about Slovenske železnice, d. o. o. (“Slovenske železnice”). The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. Slovenske železnice cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information provided on this website and will not accept liability for any such inaccuracies. Furthermore, Slovenske železnice shall not be held liable to any person for any damage whatsoever which may arise from the use of the information contained in this website. Slovenske železnice reserves the right to include hyperlinks to other websites provided by third parties. Slovenske železnice has no responsibility for the content on linked website(s). Whilst we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, Slovenske železnice makes no representations or warranties of any kind about the completeness and accuracy with respect to the website or the information contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such material is at your own risk. Slovenske železnice reserves the right to change, add or remove portions of this website without notice. Slovenske železnice will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from such changes.


This website and its content are copyright and intellectual property of Slovenske železnice. You may reproduce the content for non-commercial use only, but only if you include the associated notices regarding copyright and other rights.  Any reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form (e.g. copy, redistribution, download) must acknowledge Slovenske železnice as the source of the material.

Privacy notice

Slovenske železnice shall keep confidential the personal data of users of this website. The data we collect is used to improve your experience when visiting our website. We will only use the personal data and contact information provided by you for the purposes for which you provide it and will not share it with third parties without your express consent. We will make every effort to protect your personal information against misuse and violations. We respect your privacy and exercise due care to protect your personal information in line with the applicable national regulations and the Group’s internal rules.

Data Protection Officer

Slovenske železnice Group has a Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or by postal mail under the address:

Slovenske železnice d.o.o.
Kolodvorska 11
1506 Ljubljana

att. “Data Protection Officer”

Cookies and how we use them on our website

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small file which stores your settings for a website. Cookies are stored on your computer by your web browser and serve as a mechanism for websites to remember the devices and settings previously used to access them. Cookies allow the website to recognise you on return visits and present you with information customised to your needs. Cookies are stored by your web browser – the activity of storing cookies can be changed in your browser settings to deny or accept individual or all cookies.

Why are cookies needed?

Cookies are used to provide a better website service – without cookies you would not be able to use some of the most common functionalities of e-business. Websites use cookies to ‘remember’ you by storing your preferences and generally improving your user experience.  There are a number of reasons to use cookies. They serve as mechanisms to remember your browsing settings linked to a particular website, facilitate online services (e.g. in e-shopping), gather user metrics (such as preferences), and monitor visitors usage levels.  For recommendations and rules on the use of cookies on websites, please read the relevant cookie guidelines issued by the Information Commissioner.

Cookies used on our website in no way give us access to your computer, tablet or mobile phone nor do they give us any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us. Cookies enable our website to function and help us provide you with a better website by allowing us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not.


This website uses cookies and by accessing the site you are giving consent for cookies to be placed on your computer or mobile device.

How do I manage and delete cookies?

Cookies can be managed by using your in-built browser settings to deny, accept or delete cookies.  On accessing a website, your browser will give you the option to accept or refuse all cookies, to accept individual cookies, or it will inform you that the website wants to store cookies.  Cookies stored by your browser can be deleted at any time.  If you change or delete a browsing file with cookies or change or upgrade your browser or device, you might also have to disable cookies again. The activities of managing and deleting cookies are browser-specific. If you require assistance in setting your cookies, please contact your browser’s customer support. We respect your privacy and exercise due care to protect your personal information in line with the applicable national regulations and the Group’s internal rules.