These are the words of Dean Peršić, the General Manager of Fersped, a logistics operator in Slovenske železnice Group. We asked Mr Peršić to share some of his thoughts on the logistics trends in 2022.


How satisfied are you with your business performance this year?

We expect to exceed our targets for 2022. Q1 indicates growth in warehousing and customs clearance services, which are the key products offered by Fersped and VV-LOG. Both generate a lot of added value, mostly thanks to the skills and motivation of our staff, loyalty of our customers, and strong support from our owners. An upward trend is projected also in air and maritime freight services.


What are the main challenges faced by operators of logistics and transport services?

Economic instability is definitely the biggest concern right now. Uncertainty fuelled by the coronavirus pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine is rippling through the world economy, leading to lack of stability and clear vision. Circumstances which affect our business can change rapidly, which requires a great deal of flexibility and professionalism.


The conflict in Ukraine has severed many logistics and transport links. How are you handling this issue?

Fersped and VV-LOG’s presence on Russian and Ukrainian markets was rather limited before the conflict started, so the war has had no direct impact on their business. However the fluctuations in energy prices and disruptions to products have had a notable impact on global and financial markets.


Another reason why logistics operators need to continue optimizing supply chain links.

Indeed. The surge in e-commerce sector and keeping safety stocks to manage unforeseen events have fuelled growth in warehousing. At Fersped there has been a lot of investment in warehousing capacities and development over the past few years. We’re currently operating three warehouses in Koper, and two more in Nova Gorica and Ljubljana.



»Our vision is to become one of the key logistics and transport service operators in Slovenia and central and east Europe,« says Fersped’s General Manager Dean Peršić.



What are the current trends in logistics?

Operators across the board are boosting their capacities, mostly by building physical assets in countries’ interior and at ports. The coronavirus pandemic demonstrated a strong need for such infrastructure, particularly when it comes to offering just-in-time products to end users. Logistics capacities relating to physical assets are expected to grow 3% this year, which will have long term effects on the way large manufacturing companies do business.


Should logistics and transport operators take a more direct part in manufacturing?

Becoming directly involved in the manufacturing process would mean a drastic change to the business model; it’s a step that requires a lot of careful planning. But it goes without saying that direct involvement would certainly be a considerable advantage because it allows you to optimise processes and make adjustments based on actual manufacturing needs.


How would you describe Slovenia’s position in global logistics?

The country is steadily building momentum in the logistics industry. We offer quality services and innovative solutions which respond to market demand, and customers recognise that. I would say that the country’s size is what makes us all the more passionate and driven to succeed.